Understanding Diabetes
Daily Monitoring and Tracking Blood sugar:
While experiencing some of these symptoms, it is important to check your blood sugar level, Health care providers will take blood glucose readings and provide recommendations.
If you're diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you will need to monitor your blood sugar level regularly. Knowing diabetes levels can help you manage type 2 diabetes.
People with pre diabetes have blood sugars that are higher than normal, but not as high as with diabetes.
Numbers for diagnosing pre-diabetes and diabetes:
Fasting blood sugar HbA1c
Normal Below 100 mg/dl 5.6% or below
Prediabetes 100 mg/dl -125 mg/dl 5.7 % - 6 %
Diabetes 126 mg/dl or Above 6.5% or Above
Checking often will tell you how physical activity and the foods you eat affect your blood sugar and if your insulin or other diabetes medicine is working.
Once can also self - monitor the blood glucose levels. A blood glucose meter uses a small drop of the blood to show how much glucose is in your blood at that time.
Blood sugar level is measured in terms of fasting blood sugar level, Post- prandial blood sugar level, HbA1c.
Daily checks:
Tells you about your blood sugar at the time of the test:
Two blood sugar parameters contribute to measurements.
Fasting Plasma glucose (FPG)
is the blood sugar number when you have been fasting "not eating" for at least 8 hours
Postprandial plasma glucose(PPG)
is the after -meal blood sugar level, which you check about 2 hours after you start eating. It measures the blood sugar spikes that happen after you eat.
HbA1c Test:
It detects your average blood sugar level over a period of pasty 3 months,
It is a best way to know if you have diabetes under good control over time.
Everyone have different goal for diabetes level. You and your diabetes care team will set the goals that are right for you.
Time Goals for most nonpregnant adults with diabetes Your goals
🍲 Before meals 80 to 130 mg/dl !?!
🍲 1 to 2 hours after the start of a meal Less than 180 mg/dl !?!
A1c Less than 7 % !?!