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Happy Healthy Story

 Open Mind and Close Mind:

             Here we are narrating the real story of two children with Type 1 diabetes. Always it depends on how we are reacting to a particular problem and keeping our mind positive.

            Master  James and Jackson both the 13 year old . They were diagnosed  with diabetes around 6 months ago.

Jame is a from nearby village, studying 7th standard in government school and his father was a farmer. James father had a positive attitude and was keen to seek solutions to any given problem. The same attitude came to James.

Jackson is from local town, studying 7th standard in private school and his father was a senior manager in a company. Jackson's father used to focus on the problem only rather than thinking about solution. Jackson developed a similar kind of attitude like why it has happened to me, why only me? etc!

From the day of diagnosis, James had a positive mind toward diabetes. He used to think that at least there is some medicine that will take care of my health and if i take it regularly, I can lead a normal life just like others. He used to think like what is the problem with insulin pricks? When these are saving my life, I am not going to perceive the pain of my insulin shots. He understood how to adjust insulin's dose in relation to stress and strain, especially management during sick days. Every week he used to do home glucose monitoring. Every day he used to spend thirty minutes in meditation and another 45-60 minutes in regular waling. As they are farming they always used to take a good a problem for us to mange his sugars. James alone used to come by bus from his village to consult us.

For Jackson we faced tough situations. His family and he were not ready to accept a diagnosis of diabetes. Initially, we saw them in OPD. Even after a thorough explanation of the disease nature and demonstration of insulin usage thoroughly they have not started insulin and after 2 days Jackson landed in an emergency condition. With great difficulty, he came out of that emergency condition called diabetes ketoacidosis. After this, for a week he was following diet and regular intake of medicine which made him have a normal  range of sugars. After this, he started skipping one or two doses per day and his parents were also not keen. Home glucose monitoring, diet, and exercise review with high sugars. Our staff and my junior explained everything again and clarified all his parent doubt about insulin related safety concerns

However, surprises one day both the  family vist to OP, we felt like  if l can arrange meeting of these two boys along with their families, Jackson and his family can understand the problem in a better way and can find inspiration from James and his parents. We arrange the meeting of both families and they exchanged the information. 

Jackson and his parents change their mindset. They started following us regularly. Then onwards it was never a major problem for us.

The open and positive mind always find solutions for given problem and keeps us happy and blissful


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